Ethan Joseph
YMCA - Lebanon
Under 20
Thanks for your support. Your pledge helps keep me motivated and it's for a great cause.
Ethan Joseph
# 134 of 10,548
$450.63 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 201
Calories 5,814
Score 3,142,113
$450.63 Money Raised

17 Supporters

Hogan Family $0.50/mi
Expresso $0.10/mi
Dad $50.00
Way to go Ethan! $45.00
Jaci Arnold $25.00
Susan putt $25.00
Ethan Joseph $25.00
Nanny and Papa $20.00
Pappy $20.00
John and Jen $20.00
Ed $20.00
John $20.00
Bnan $15.00
Cecilia & Carson $15.00
Aunt Dots $10.00
Katherine & Robert $10.00
Dottie and Whitey $10.00