Sarah Johnston
I wholeheartly believe that if you have the ability to give, you give in whatever aspect you can. The YMCA is starting our Annual Campaign to raise money for the numerous programs we provide to youth and our community. Just to name a couple, supporting foster kids, Late Nite to help provide a safe and positive place for kids instead of the streets, providing finanical assistant to those in need, sending kids to camp, the list goes on and on. I am beyond grateful to get to witness the impact that the YMCA has on our community every day and I'm planning on riding to help. Expresso is donating $.10 per mile and I'm hoping some of you amazing and big hearted individuals out there will help match their donation or send one of your own. Don't worry my riding probably won't break the bank but I'm hoping it does. My goal is 250 miles... here we go....
Sarah Johnston
# 778 of 10,548
$75.00 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 0
Calories 0
Score 0
$75.00 Money Raised

3 Supporters

Expresso $0.10/mi
CB $50.00
Bobby Boy $25.00
No completed rides available.