Heather Macy
Thanks for your support. Your pledge helps keep me motivated and it's for a great cause. All money raised from this challenge will go to our Annual Campaign. This provides financial assistance to people in our community so that they may have a Y membership, put their children in swim lessons, youth sports or day camp.
Heather Macy
# 209 of 7,635
$151.40 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 14
Calories 434
Score 0
$151.40 Money Raised

5 Supporters

Expresso $0.10/mi
Doug $50.00
Marsha $50.00
Judy $25.00
Vicky Littman $25.00
  • February 2, 2018

    6.00 Miles
    188 Calories
    0 Score
    6.00 mi in 37:42
  • February 1, 2018

    7.98 Miles
    241 Calories
    0 Score
    7.98 mi in 40:59