Deena Hamer
God Bless you for your support. Your pledge helps keep me motivated and it's for a great cause. You continued support will help your YMCA make dreams possible for many in our community.
Deena Hamer
# 14 of 3,129
$1,800.00 Raised

Challenge Totals

Miles 11
Calories 302
Score 0
$1,800.00 Money Raised

27 Supporters

Expresso $0.10/mi
Ted $300.00
Carl $250.00
Becky $100.00
Marge $100.00
Maureen $100.00
Matt $100.00
Gerry $100.00
Mary $100.00
Susan $100.00
Jack $50.00
Carol $50.00
Bob $50.00
Lori $50.00
Deena $43.95
Jan $35.00
Barb $35.00
David $30.00
Nick $30.00
Betty $25.00
Jerry $25.00
Janet $25.00
Jean $20.00
Doreen $20.00
Georgia $20.00
Del $20.00
Arlene $20.00
  • April 27, 2021

    10.51 Miles
    297 Calories
    0 Score
    4.42 mi in 19:54
    6.09 mi in 30:49